Accreditation and Certification Committee


The purpose of the Accreditation and Certification Committee is to ensure that our accreditation and certification programs are coordinated, complementary, relevant, and meet high standards of quality.


  • Vendor Accreditation Panel- Chair: Austin Paulson
  • Inspector Certification Panel- Chair: Don Nagy
  • Operation Accreditation Panel- Chair: Tim Prairie
Task Forces

  • Universal Portfolio Task Force- Chair: Kathy Haras
  • Vendor Accreditation Program Design Task Force- Chair: Alicia Bourke
  • Vendor Accreditation Reviewer Training Task Force- Chair: Alicia Bourke
  • QCP Revision Task Force- Chair: Dick Hammond

The ACCT Terms of Reference are as follows:
  1. Ensure that ACCT accreditation and certification programs meet the emerging needs of the industry.
  2. Ensure harmonization between accreditation and certification programs.
  3. Approve policies for eligibility, assessment, documentation, and awarding of all ACCT accreditation and certification programs.
  4. Ensure that ACCT accreditation and certification programs meet current ACCT policies for accreditation and certification, as well as overarching Association policies.
  5. Ensure that ACCT accreditation and certification programs meet the ACCT mission and build the ACCT brand.
  6. Create, manage, and eliminate accreditation and certification panels and task forces as needed.
  7. Create, maintain and update Terms of Reference for all accreditation and certification panels and task forces and appoint chairs to those groups.
  8. Ensure ongoing communication is effective between ACCT staff, committee, panels, and task forces.
  9. Oversee ongoing review and audit of all accreditation and certification programs on a regular basis to ensure quality, and relevance.
  10. Support the ACCT staff in administering and delivering accreditation and certification programs.
  11. Create and maintain an appeals process for all accreditation and certification programs.
  12. Submit an annual meeting schedule to the Board of Directors for approval, including at minimum one face to face meeting per year.
  13. Submit annual budget requests, including sub-group requests, to the Board of Directors for approval no later than March 15th of each year.

Accreditation and Certification Committee

  • Heather Brooks

    Heather Brooks

    Program Manager, Association for Challenge Course Technology

    ACCT Staff Liaison

  • Rohan Shahani

    Rohan Shahani

    Board Liaison

  • Bee Lee Lacy

    Bee Lee Lacy

    Challenge Course Manager, SPRAT Level 1, Eldelrid Master Belay Technician, ISC ALF...

    Director of Challenge Course Programming


  • Chris Carter

    Adventure Experiences, LLC.


  • Jeffrey Chua

    Exponent Challenge Technology Asia Pte, Ltd.


  • Jennifer Marter

    Synergo, LLC


  • JJ Stapleton

    JJ Stapleton

    Operations Reviewer, Chair of Accredited Operations Affinity Group

    Director of Operations, The Adventure Park at Sandy Spring


  • Micah Henderson

    Micah Henderson

    Vertical Solutions Consulting, LLC.


  • Michael Misenheimer

    Trainer and Lead Facilitator


  • Ryan Olson

    ABEE, Inc.
