ACCT Awards

The ACCT Awards program was established to acknowledge and celebrate outstanding individual and organizational contributions within the Association for Challenge Course Technology community. We aim to recognize the dedication, innovation, and excellence demonstrated by members, and others, who go above and beyond to advance the mission and vision of ACCT.

By honoring individuals and organizations for their significant achievements and contributions, our awards program underscores the importance of recognizing excellence and fostering a culture of appreciation within our community. Each award serves as a testament to the remarkable efforts and impact of our members.

Through the ACCT Awards program, we not only celebrate successes but also inspire others to strive for excellence and make meaningful contributions to our communities. We believe that by recognizing and celebrating outstanding achievements, we can strengthen our community, foster collaboration, and propel the industry forward.

The ACCT awards play a crucial role in recognizing and celebrating the contributions of individuals (and organizations) within the ACCT community, offering several benefits:

Impact: Receiving an ACCT award is a testament to significant contributions to the organization and the broader community by an individual or organization. It acknowledges their dedication, leadership, and innovation in advancing the mission and goals of ACCT. This recognition not only boosts the recipient's morale and motivation but also inspires others to strive for excellence in their own contributions.

Recognition: The importance of recognizing and celebrating the achievements of individuals within the ACCT community cannot be overstated. ACCT awards provide a platform to publicly acknowledge the hard work, talent, and commitment of volunteers, members, and leaders who have made a tangible difference. This recognition fosters a culture of appreciation and gratitude within the organization, reinforcing a sense of belonging and value among members.

Networking: ACCT awards offer recipients valuable opportunities to network and engage with other members of the organization. Whether it's at award ceremonies, social events, or conferences, recipients have the chance to connect with peers, industry professionals, and leaders in the field. This networking opens doors to collaboration, mentorship, and knowledge-sharing, ultimately strengthening the bonds within the ACCT community and facilitating professional growth and development.

Overall, ACCT awards serve as a powerful tool for acknowledging excellence, fostering a culture of appreciation, and building connections within the organization. By celebrating the achievements of individuals (and organizations), these awards contribute to the overall success and vibrancy of the ACCT community.

We encourage all members of the ACCT community to nominate deserving individuals and organizations for ACCT awards when nomination periods open each year. Your nominations help us recognize and celebrate the outstanding contributions of those who go above and beyond to support our mission and goals. By taking the time to nominate someone, you play a vital role in honoring their dedication and impact within our community.

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all past and future award recipients for their dedication and contributions to the ACCT community. Your hard work, passion, and commitment make a significant difference in advancing our mission and goals. Thank you for everything you do to support our organization and enrich the lives of our members.

Click each tab below to read information for each award:

Critical Link Award

Description: The Critical Link Award was inaugurated in 2002 by the Accredited Vendors. It is presented each year at the annual conference as a thoughtful and sincere thank you to a single ACCT member who has gone significantly “above and beyond '' over a long period of time. It serves as a testament to their dedication, passion, and unwavering commitment to the ACCT community. Their tireless efforts, leadership, and commitment to the organization have helped shape its trajectory and fostered its continued success. This award is considered the ultimate recognition that a member of ACCT can receive.

Criteria/Nomination Process: Each fall accredited vendors are invited to submit nominations. Nominations are received by the executive director and processed by the Critical Link Award Committee, a body made up of past recipients of the award. 

Selection Process: The committee is presented with the list of nominees and uses Ranked Choice Voting to determine each year's winner.

Past Recipients: 

Year Recipient Location
2001 Michelle Ligget Albuquerque, NM
2002 Randy Smith Nashville, TN
2003 Tim Kempfe Portland, OR
2004 Cindy Walker Charleston, SC
2005 Bob Ryan Indianapolis, IN
2006 Jeff Boeke Denver, CO
2007 Andrew Hubert Boston, MA
2008 Rich Klajnscek Portland, OR
2009 John Lazarus Houston, TX
2010 Dan Pervorse Atlanta, GA
2011 Tom Leahy Minneapolis, MN
2012 Bill Weaver Boston, MA
2013 Ken Jacquot Las Vegas, NV
2014 Sarah Oosterhuis Orlando, FL
2015 Keith Jacobs Indian Wells, CA
2016 Jim Wall Cedar Creek, TX
2017 Jennifer Marter & Erik Marter Savannah, GA
2018 Josh Tod Fort Worth, TX
2019 Michelle Hepler Denver, CO
2020 Micah Henderson Raleigh, NC
2021 Brian Lisson Virtual 
2022 Kathy Haras Portland, OR
2023 Brenda Reed Cleveland, OH
2024 Leigh Carruth Oklahoma City, OK
2025 John Winter Cleveland, OH

Critical Link Award recipients are honored and celebrated during the annual conference hosted by ACCT each year.