Insurance and Risk Management Committee


To assist the BoD with matters related to the insurance industry and risk management practices as it relates to ACCT and to the ACCT members.

Reports to BoD

Volunteer Opportunity

Currently seeking: 1-3 members
Must have a strong background in the insurance industry or in the risk management field.
Group meets 2-4 times per year

Apply Here

Insurance and Risk Management Committee

  • Lori Stover

    Lori Stover

    Coordinator, Outdoor Adventures, NC State Wellness and Recreation

    Board Liaison

  • Micah Henderson

    Micah Henderson

    Vertical Solutions Consulting, LLC.


  • Cameron Annas

    Granite Insurance

    Member (non-voting)

  • Robert Patrick Monaghan

    President, Hibbs-Hallmark & Company

    Member (non-voting)

  • Becky Staley

    General Counsel, Go Ape


  • Bob Ryan

    Director of Safety and Risk Management, Project Adventure, Inc.


  • Carson Rivers

    President, Challenge Towers
