Board Emeritus
- To serve as advisors for the ACCT Board of Directors (including the Executive Director) on any matters as desired by the Board.
- To engage in other service to the association, as requested by the Board of Directors, in whatever ways are found to be satisfying and mutually beneficial.
Reports to Board of Directors
The Terms of Reference (TOR) for the committee states the following:
In the performance of the duties of the Board Emeritus, the following principles shall be understood:
- Board Emeritus status is an honor that is granted by the Board of Directors to members who have provided dedicated and distinguished service to the mission of the Association for Challenge Course Technology (ACCT).
- ACCT appreciates the past service and numerous contributions of these individuals, recognizes their potential as a contributing and valuable resource, and is committed to fostering an active, ongoing relationship with them.
- ACCT is a beneficiary of their contributions and will facilitate their efforts by making available its resources and other services whenever and wherever feasible and legally permissible.
- Board Emeritus members should be considered honorary board members and as a result may be contacted as individuals or as a group for guidance regarding current ACCT business at any time.
- Board Emeritus members may have full access to all ACCT Board meetings including closed session discussions, as required, to perform their duties.
- Board Emeritus Members shall be held to the same governance policies as other Board Members, which may be amended from time to time. These may include, but not be limited to, the need for holding information in strict confidence and recognition of any potential conflicts of interest that may arise in the performance of their duties.
- Board Emeritus Members have no voting rights and are not eligible for Travel reimbursement to Board meetings unless the Board requests their presence and approves the expense.
Past Board Emeritus members, listed alphabetically by first name below, in recognition of the honor that was bestowed upon them and in appreciation of their service:
Andrew Hubert
Bob Ryan
Cindi Walker
Dick Prouty
Jeff Boeke
Jim Wall
Randy Smith
Tim Kempfe