International Committee


2024 had been a rather slow year for the committee. Most of our committee meetings occur through whatsapp communications as it is quite difficult to have a time frame where all members can meet, even through zoom, as we are all from different parts of the world with different time zones. The main face to face meeting was held in Cleveland during the Conference in January 2025.

The main highlights of the year were as follows: -

2 international dialogue sessions :  -

  1. The process and difficulties facing Accredited Operations – speakers were from the AO affinity group led by JJ Stapleton;

  2. The QCP working group with speakers from that task force.

Attendance for the 2 sessions were between 25 to 30.

Initial conversation with the Ministry of Tourism, Belize on them seeking the assistance of ACCT in their standards. After the initial introductory talk, the matter was referred to the BOD and the ED.

As I will be stepping down from the Committee as my term is up, Victor Gallo will be stepping up as Chair of the Committee. Our main objectives for 2025 will be as follows: -

  1. Having a better communication process with the members of the committee;

  2. Continuing with the educational portion of our terms of reference with the International Dialogues;

  3. Re-looking into our Terms of Reference to see if we need to amend any of them;

  4. To work with the PR of ACCT to further promote ACCT in the rest of the world to increase our membership;

  5. To recruit new members from different parts of the world.

Colin Caines
Out-going chair


The Terms of reference for this committee is as follows: -

  1. To advise the BOARD OF DIRECTORS on the needs of the International Members and on the internationalizing of the Association;
  2. To support the office staff and serve as a Resource in matters regarding industry related Governmental and Regulatory issues, events, safety and education that occurs outside the United States.

Reports to ACCT BoD

Volunteer Opportunity
  • Currently seeking:
    • 3 members
  • Call for volunteers Residing and working outside of the United States / from the following jurisdiction:
    • UK, Europe, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, South America
  • Residing and working outside of the United States
  • Group meets Monthly

Apply Here

Current Tasks
  1. The International Dialogues every 2 months for updates and education;
  2. The compiling of the list of regulators in different jurisdiction;
  3. To be a resource for questions from the members not residing in the US;
  4. The feasibility planning of regional trade shows that ACCT can have a presence in.
Past/Completed Tasks
  • 10 International Dialogues

International Committee