High 5 Adventure Learning Center: Challenge Course Manager Cert. Exam

Friday, November 18, 2022
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (EST)
Category: Certification Exam - Course Manager

The Challenge Course Manager certification exam is for those individuals who are responsible for program management at their site (program directors, challenge course managers/coordinators, etc.) In addition to passing the certification test, candidates will also have documented a minimum of 30 hours of training in topics specific to program management. We recommend High 5's Managing an Adventure Program workshop. (https://high5adventure.org/training-and-certification/which-training-is-right-for-me/managing-an-adventure-program-ccm-training). Candidates also must have completed Level 2 Certification (https://high5adventure.org/level-2-challenge-course-certification-testing) and have a minimum of 500 hours of program experience. Testing is conducted in a 3/4 day workshop format and includes both a written and practical exam. For more information on our certification program, including sample test questions, re-testing policies, study guides, and a self-assessment form click here: https://high5adventure.org/training-and-certification/certification

For More Information:

Anthony Martino