Project Adventure, Inc. - Creating Healthy Habits
Health teachers, physical education teachers, wellness coordinators, and any professional who wants to add experiential learning to health content will love this workshop. The activities will cover the core areas of nutrition, physical fitness, substance abuse prevention, injury/violence prevention, conflict resolution, mental and emotional health, stress management, and cultural awareness. Participants will: Experience various types of adventure-based group-oriented activities designed to enhance your current health and wellness curriculum and build a stronger, healthier, classroom community; Learn activities that address the six priority risk areas of the National Health Education Standards: intentional and unintentional injury prevention, mental and emotional health, nutrition, physical fitness, substance abuse prevention, and personal and consumer health; Be introduced to the Think, Choose, Act model of decision-making and learn adventure-based activities designed to teach responsible decision-making in the following areas: nutrition, fitness, diversity and cultural awareness, substance abuse and prevention, violence prevention, and stress management.