ACCT Newsletter 2023/01/19

Our Featured Accredited Member is Whitewater Center


Board of Directors Nominations are still open until January 24th; 48 hours before the voting period beings. Sooner is better to give us time to share the candidate's position statements and other campaign materials distributed through ACCT channels like this one.

The first of the candidates are official and you can find their information at

Voting begins on January 26th
We also have an open seat on the Consensus Group in the General Interest category. If you or someone you know has an interest in the ANSI process that ACCT follows and fits into this category, we encourage you to visit for more info and the application link.
This is your last reminder to submit your Inspector Certification Application for testing at the Conference Testing Event. Applications are due THIS FRIDAY, January 20th, 2023. Applications submitted between January 21st and 27th will be subject to late fees. No applications will be allowed after January 27th.

Please click the link to submit an application.

If you are applying to be an Operation Reviewer and to attend training Sunday February 12th at the Conference, applications are also due January 20th. Please click the link to apply.
ACCT Pre-Conference Sessions are still open for registration.

We are excited to announce The Universal Accessibility & Inclusion Pre-Conference Workshop on Thursday Feb 9 is now partnering with Portland Rock Gym! Just minutes from the Portland Convention Center, this opportunity allows participants to engage in real live climbing scenarios and practice with specialty equipment on the rock walls. For questions or more information, contact

You can still register for this and other pre-conference sessions by modifying your conference registration.

Search your email from "ACCT Registration" with the subject "Registration Confirmed - 33rd Annual International ACCT Conference & Exposition"  Scroll down to the bottom and click on "Click here to modify your registration.", then move through the registration pages until you reach the pre-conference sessions section.

You can read about all the sessions available here:
Synergo is excited to welcome everyone to the Awards Dinner After Party, with live music from The Rope Wranglers, ACCT's very own, newly minted house band! The brainchild of Adventure Guild President, Don Stock, The Rope Wranglers has assembled an eclectic cast of industry members and musical friends to take you on a Rockin'-Soul-Country journey across the decades while we gather to celebrate a great conference and the joy of being back together as a community! So be ready to find a spot with friends new and old, grab a refreshing libation, and get ready to rock with The Rope Wranglers as we wrap up the 2023 conference in high ACCT style!

Music and refreshments start right after the awards dinner so plan to join us for an evening that will be an explosion of fun and memories to last you all year!
The Rope Wranglers - February 11 2023 - ACCT Conference Portland Oregaon - Hyatt Ball Room
Copyright © 2023 Association for Challenge Course Technology, All rights reserved.
Added through Association for Challenge Course Technology web site

Our mailing address is:
Association for Challenge Course Technology
P..O. Box 19797
BoulderCO 80308