Operation Accreditation Fees and Benefits

Fee Structure:
- ACCT Business to Client (B2C) Membership:Commercial operator: $440/yr.Non-profit: $325/yr.
- Application Fee: $500
- Site Visit Fee: varies, based on company and reviewer providing the required site audit.
- Once accredited: $350 added to annual B2C membership fee
In addition to the B2C benefits, you will still receive all these great benefits as an Accredited Operator
- Participation in an industry recognized accreditation review process.
- Listing on ACCT Website.
- Discounted member pricing for exhibiting at the ACCT annual conference.
- Licensed use of the ACCT Accredited Operator Logo in your print and online advertising.
- Operator / B2C Members also receive the benefit of being allowed to register employees to receive benefits. Each registered person must be legally employed by the member organization and listed on payroll. Contract employees and volunteers are not included.