Vendor Accreditation Requirements

ACCT must have a valid, verifiable, and reasonable basis to determine that the vendor deserves the credentialing designation. For Applicant Vendors to move forward in the accreditation process and for Accredited Vendors to maintain their accreditation status, each must meet the Program requirements. It is the responsibility of each Vendor Applicant to submit adequate documentation (for each service area) to demonstrate compliance with all Program requirements.

Provide a letter of support from an ACCT Accredited Vendor or an ACCT Accredited Operation familiar with the applicant company’s services. This narrative shall include the author’s knowledge of and experience with the Vendor Applicant’s expertise related to current ACCT Standards and business practices. If an applicant is unable to meet this requirement, they may seek approval from the ACCT Program Manager for another acceptable letter of support. Such requests are uncommon and will be handled on a case-by-case basis. As a letter of support from an existing Accredited Vendor or Operation is preferred, Vendor Applicants must support their request with a compelling reason. For example, no ACCT Accredited Vendors or ACCT Accredited Operations operate in their region or jurisdiction.

  • Have been a Business-to-Business member of ACCT for a period of 12 months prior to application.

  • Have been a legally registered business for a period of 12 months prior to application.

  • Provide a minimum of three (3) references of clients serviced within the past three (3) years. A form will be sent to each reference; all applicants must have a minimum of three (3) references to respond to the survey. 

  • Provide evidence of business registrations in the jurisdiction where work is conducted.

  • Maintain appropriate insurance for the vended service areas being provided in each location in accordance with the ACCT Vendor Accreditation Insurance Policy.

  • Follow applicable laws and regulations in jurisdictions where accredited services are provided.

  • Conduct business in accordance with the ACCT Code of Ethics.

  • Market itself appropriately.


  • Identify all company owner(s) and director(s).

Quality Control

  • Demonstrate use of relevant course designs, techniques, materials, operating systems, and equipment types per current ACCT Standards in each service area for which they are applying for accreditation.

  • Provide a process for communicating product safety notifications (e.g., white papers, safety advisories, recalls, replacement products, regulatory body notices, etc.).

  • Designs shall comply with ACCT Design, Performance, and Inspection Standards (Chapter 1).  including but not limited to general requirements, inspection requirements, site considerations, element support structures, life safety systems, element support systems, platforms, zip line systems, and equipment, and the effective operation of the course. 

  • For accreditation purposes, the course designs shall be categorized using the operating systems listed in the current version of the ANSI/ACCT standards. Evidence specific to relevant operating systems by the applicant company shall be available for audit.

  • Evidence shall be presented for a minimum of three (3) course-specific design projects. Project descriptions and supporting design documentation shall align with the current ACCT Design, Performance, and Inspection Standards. When multiple operating systems are included in a design, each shall be identified. The course designs should be representative of the company’s current design practices. For applicants, these projects must be within the past three (3) years.

    • Provide evidence of a pre-design process to include, but not be limited to:

      • Understanding the client’s program goals and operating limitations

      • Gathering property data and/or site audit procedures

      • Jurisdictional design and permitting requirements

      • Designers provide concept drawings that correspond to proposed design plans.

    • Provide evidence of the design process to include, but not be limited to:

      • Design plan and scheduling processes

      • Hazard analysis and risk mitigation planning

      • Drawing control procedures to track changes during the design process.

      • Relevant design calculations

      • Final design documentation

      • Document delivery to client

    • Provide evidence of a construction administration process to include, but not be limited to:

      • Approving and documenting field changes in the structural design made during installation.

      • Approving the use of alternative materials in existing design as requested by installers.

      • Performing an as-built verification process and a punch list for installers before course commissioning.

      • As-Built documentation relevant to design as part of commissioning. 


  • Identify and provide documentation for a minimum of one (1) current employee or owner who meets the criteria for Qualified Designer per the current Qualified Course Professional Guidelines (QCP) or is a licensed engineer with project experience specific to challenge course, aerial adventure/trekking parks, zip line, and canopy tour.

  • Designers show evidence of company practices related to employing/contracting with at least 1 professional engineer licensed in the jurisdiction where projects will be installed.

  • Staffing:

    • Job Descriptions

    • Qualifications

    • Training requirements

      • Designers have experience, receive training or certifications for structural design where determining the strength of challenge course elements and structures by applying accepted engineering practice for appropriate resistance to live loads and dead loads for the material under consideration (e.g. wood, steel, concrete).

      • Designers have experience, receive training or certifications for course usage where compatibility of belay system components and equipment can be determined to fit the needs of the owner/operator’s staff and their program clientele.

Quality Control

  • Provide a documented quality assurance program that includes:

    • Process for selecting personnel based on relevant knowledge and experience.

    • Process for testing and verifying the applicability and effectiveness of incorporating new technology, innovations, processes, materials, and systems into existing designs.

    • Process for maintaining consistency between design, documentation, and installation.

    • Testing and verifying the applicability of new equipment, hardware, and materials.

  • Provide descriptions and supporting documentation for a minimum of five (5) installations or major modifications completed within the past three (3) years. When multiple operating systems are included in an installation or major modification, each shall be identified. The submitted projects should be representative of the company’s current design practices. 

  • For one (1) of the five (5) projects, provide an acceptance inspection report completed by a qualified third party within the past year that is representative of current installation projects and processes. If a deficiency list was a part of the acceptance inspection process, a description of that list shall be included, and evidence of remediation to clear each of the deficiencies shall be documented. Documentation shall also include the descriptions of items listed that require follow-up documentation. 

  • The acceptance inspection shall state that the project complies with the current ACCT Standards. 

  • Installations and major modifications shall comply with ACCT Design, Performance, and Inspection Standards (Chapter 1) and provide for the effective operation of the course.

  • For accreditation purposes, the course installations shall be categorized using the operating systems definitions. Evidence specific to relevant operating systems by the Vendor Applicant company shall be available for review.

  • Evidence shall be provided for the following installation events and processes for each of the chosen projects:

    • Pre-Install process to include, but may not be limited to:

      • Installations are approved by a Qualified Designer.

      • Licensing, permitting, or exemption based on jurisdictional requirements

      • Material Sourcing

      • Subcontractor vetting

    • Installation process including, but may not be limited to:

  • Scheduling and content of safety meetings

  • Installation plan and schedule

  • Clearing the site of known hazards in the immediate area of the course/elements

  • Emergency Response

  • Proof testing, specification verification, or redundancy used to assure system integrity of all life safety systems

  • Installation material inspection and/or control procedure. (i.e., receiving, inspecting, storage)

  • Staff supervision and oversight plan

  • If trees are used, process to ensure they have been inspected and evaluated by a qualified person.

  • For Zip Line Installation:

    • Process for determining Emergency Break

    • Sufficient space provided for brake system operation and rider dismount

    • Protection or communication/ signal systems in place to limit unintended contact with zip lines, people, and other components

    • Zip line corridors free from hazards that require participant action to avoid

  • Post-Installation process including, but may not be limited to:

    • Acceptance Inspection procedures showing evidence the installation meets design criteria. 

    • Course/element successfully completes a documented systematic process to verify that it operates as intended

    • Manufacturer documentation provided to Owner/Operator, including:

      • Normal operation and limitations

      • Operational instructions 

      • Participant safety briefing procedures

      • Recommended rescue procedures

      • Maintenance, inspection, and equipment replacement criteria

      • Identification of critical components and systems

      • For zip lines, brake system operational limits, and reasonably anticipated hazards

      • Material and equipment specifications

    • Commissioning turnover process with the owner/operator

    • Documentation upon commissioning certifying that the course meets all the requirements of the ANSI/ACCT DPI Standard and that it is ready for participant use

    • Procedure for owner/operator to follow if modifications to the installation are desired in the future.

  • Vendor Applicants pursuing Installation-only status must detail how design, operations aspects, and equipment compatibility are addressed with the client and overall project. 


  • Identify and provide documentation for a minimum of one (1) current employee, owner who meets the criteria for Qualified Installer per the current Qualified Course Professional Guidelines (QCP).

  • Staffing

    • Job Descriptions

    • Qualifications

    • Training requirements

  • Submit a documented worker safety plan that includes procedures for installers working at height.

Quality Control

  • Provide a quality assurance program that includes, but is not limited to:

    • Processes that address the adoption of new technologies, standards, and regulatory changes

    • Processes that are repeatable and demonstrate consistency of installation practices and quality among projects

    • Processes for training and developing installers for applicable industry trades.

    • Worker safety plans in accordance with jurisdictional requirements

  • Inspections shall be consistent with the requirements in the ACCT Design, Performance, and Inspection Standards (Chapter 1).

  • Provide a minimum of five (5) Professional Inspection Reports completed within the past three (3) years. The provided inspection reports must be completed by the individuals referenced in the Personnel section below.

  • The Professional Inspection Reports shall represent courses where items failed inspection, deficiencies were identified, or where recommendations for adjustments were issued.

  • Reports shall meet the current ACCT Standards Chapter 1: B.3.1.1. for documentation of professional inspection reports.

  • Provide one (1) Acceptance Inspection Report completed in the past three (3) years

    • Acceptance Inspection reports shall comply with the ACCT Standard Chapter 1: B.3.1.1.

    • Reports shall represent the process followed to verify compliance with the current ACCT Standards.

    • Reports shall include testing of systems(s) prior to commissioning.

    • If a deficiency list was issued as a part of the acceptance inspection process, the company shall provide evidence submitted to clear the deficiencies along with descriptions of items that still require further follow-up.

  • Inspection Process

    • Process followed by the organization when performing Professional Inspections and Acceptance Inspection

    • Procedures for ensuring inspectors are ready to inspect without supervision, both direct and indirect supervision.

    • Employee practices related to inspector supervision within the organization exist.

    • Inspectors determine alternate methods of evaluation when a safe means of access is not previously determined in the design.

    • Evaluating elements and structures by applying accepted engineering practice for appropriate resistance to live loads and dead loads for the material under consideration (wood, steel, concrete).

    • Consulting other qualified persons when issues or questions arise that fall outside the inspector’s scope of expertise.

    • Communication to the course owner any conditions or observations that indicate improper use of elements and equipment.

    • Notification to course owner when elements(s) or equipment fail inspection or if there is a finding that significantly impacts the safety of the system.


  • Identify and provide documentation for a minimum of one (1) current employee, owner with a current ACCT Level 2 Professional Inspector certificate.

  • Provide evidence of personnel practices related to competence and supervision.

    • Training and skill verification processes for personnel conducting inspections

    • Approval and skill verification processes related to approving an inspector to inspect without supervision, both direct and indirect

  • Provide written minimum requirements and procedures for personnel who perform inspections.

  • Provide a documented worker safety plan that includes procedures for inspectors working at height.

Quality Control

  • Provide a quality assurance program that includes, but is not limited to:

    • Process for selecting Staff based on knowledge and experience for the given course.

    • Process for managing an inspector who lacks understanding and knowledge of a given element or course component.

    • Process for reviewing inspection reports prior to delivery to client.

    • Process for notifying the course operator of failed items or specific deficiencies.

    • Process for assessing failed items or deficiencies that have been corrected.

  • Training shall be consistent with the requirements of the ACCT Training Standards (Chapter 3). 

  • For accreditation purposes, the training curriculum shall align with the delivery approaches defined in the ACCT Operations Standards (Chapter 2). 

  • Documentation specific to each type of training offered shall be available for review. Documentation shall address the competencies and delivery approaches offered.

    • Competencies

      • Core

      • Technical

      • Interpersonal / Program Management

    • Delivery Approaches

      • Facilitated - participants engage in an adventure-based learning experience designed to lead toward particular outcomes. Trained staff are responsible for the safety and the group’s learning process.

      • Guided - participants engage in a set tour escorted by trained personnel who directly supervise (i.e., close enough to intervene physically) participant actions. Trained staff are responsible for safety and may provide educational programming.

      • Self-Guided - Participants engage in an adventure-based experience and are able to select their own route or element. Trained staff monitor safety and do not directly supervise (i.e., are not close enough to intervene physically) participant actions.

  • Training Documentation

    • Provide descriptions and supporting training documentation, including records and syllabi, for five (5) trainings delivered in the past three (3) years.  When multiple training delivery approaches are offered, each shall be presented.  Training records shall include:

      • trainees present (Roster)

      • training dates and times

      • training locations

      • training content

      • training objectives

      • completion status for each trainee

    • Trainers receive training and/or complete skill verification processes.

    • Approval and skill verification processes exist to determine trainers’ readiness to teach curriculum without supervision, both direct and indirect.

    • Employee practices related to trainer supervision within the organization exist.

    • Written criteria and procedures for employees who perform training.

  • Provide a process to ensure a site is prepared for training before arrival.

    • Professional inspection within one (1) year

    • Availability of appropriate equipment necessary to operate the course(s) 

    • Availability of operational documentation for reference.

  • Training Observation

    • Training shall address the competencies and delivery approaches offered: Core, Technical, and Interpersonal/Program Management 

  • Provide evidence for how the applicant’s training process provides trainees with the opportunity to obtain knowledge, skills, and understanding, including hands-on, deliberate practice.

  • Trainer demonstrates following organizational (vendor and client/operation) policies and procedures.

  • Trainer teaches trainees to have the necessary expertise to proficiently prepare and operate the course.

  • Provide a safety plan that allows the trainer to manage risk and to allow for trainee error while reducing the likelihood of serious injury or death.

  • Provide procedures for assessment of trainee competency

  • Provide evidence for reasonable accommodations made for persons with different abilities or current medical, physical, or learning limitations that account for the essential functions of their position.

  • Observed trainer’s skills regarding the ongoing assessment of trainee competency.


  • Identify and provide documentation for a minimum of one (1) current employee, owner who meets the criteria for a Qualified Certification Trainer/Tester according to the current version of the ACCT Qualified Course Professional (QCP) Guidelines.

    • Staffing

      • Job Descriptions

      • Qualifications and continuing education requirements

      • Training requirements

  • Training and/or skill verification processes for personnel conducting training.

  • Approval and skill verification processes related to approving a trainer to train without supervision, both direct and indirect. 

  • Provide a documented worker safety plan that includes procedures for trainers working at height.

Quality Control

  • Provide a quality assurance program that includes, but is not limited to:

    • Process for selecting trainers based on knowledge and experience for the given course.

    • Process for managing a trainer who lacks understanding and knowledge of a given element or course component.

    • Ongoing development of training processes

    • Quality and consistency of trainers

    • Content relevance related to new technology and updated standards

  • Accreditation for Practitioner Certification is contingent on receiving accreditation for Training.

  • Provide a process for determining participants’ eligibility before testing for each level and track of certification. This process shall be in accordance with the “ACCT Practitioner Certification Structure and Requirements” publication.

  • Provide a sample Certificate that includes:

    • Practitioner’s name

    • Certification level and track

    • Certification date

    • Expiration date

    • Certifying body issuing the certification

    • Certification trainer/tester name(s)

    • Operating Systems and Delivery Approach in which the practitioner is certified in:

      • Site/System Specific Certification shall list the location and/or system on which they were certified.

      • Site/System Specific Certification documents shall state transferability or lack of transferability to other courses.

  • A practitioner use plan to satisfy standards not met due to disability.

  • Current ACCT Accredited Vendor Logo and accreditation statement

    • This requirement is not applicable for applicants until after accreditation approval.

  • Provide a process for maintaining records that includes the following information:

    • Roster of certification candidates 

    • Test results for each certification candidates

    • Date(s) of testing 

    • Location of testing

    • Name of qualified tester

  • Provide written knowledge test with answer key, addressing the current Operation Standards for each level and track of certification for which the company is applying

    • Level 1 testing shall cover the routine Staff Competencies of the current operation standards

    • Level 2 testing shall cover non-routine situations and the ability to supervise the Staff Competencies of the current Operation Standards

    • Course Manager shall cover Operations Management of the current Operation Standards

  • Provide a safety plan that allows the tester to manage risk while accommodating for candidate error and reducing the likelihood of serious injury or death.

  • Testing Observed

    • Provide written knowledge test for each level and track of certification that includes the following:

      • Copy of written test(s) & Answer Key

      • Variety of question types in each test

      • Questions related to Core Competencies for each level and track of certification the company is accredited for.

      • Questions related to Technical Competencies for each level and track of certification the company is accredited for.

      • Questions address the current Operation Standards for each level and track of certification the company is accredited for.

    • Provide a practical skills test addressing the current Operation Standards for each level and track of certification the company is accredited for.

    • The administration of the practical skills assessment is representative of the testing site and the expected skill level.

    • Written and practical skills results are shared with the testing individuals.

    • Specify reasonable procedures for testing accommodations for individuals with disabilities or physical limitations.

    • Specify the location, system & limits on transferability if Site/System Certification is offered.


  • Identify and provide documentation for a minimum of one (1) current employee,  owner that meets the requirements for Certification Trainer/Tester in the current ACCT Qualified Course Professional Guidelines (QCP) for each level and track of Practitioner Certification for which the company is applying.

  • Provide written minimum requirements for trainer/testers and procedures identifying how trainer/testers are assigned to certification testing for different operating systems and delivery approaches.

  • Provided written criteria and procedures for employees who perform tests.

  • Provide a documented worker safety plan that includes procedures for testers working at height.

Quality Control

  • Provide a quality assurance program that includes, but is not limited to:

    • Processes for maintaining written and practical tests

    • Process for maintaining accurate marketing materials related to the company’s certification in accordance with current ACCT Standards and “ACCT Practitioner Certification Structure and Requirements.

    • Process to ensure consistency when administering practical skills tests and written tests.

    • Process for maintaining records of certification candidates and test results.