ACCT Newsletter 2024-08-08

Conference Sponsor Content:

Join Us in Costa Rica for an Inspector Certification Event!

This September, the Association for Challenge Course Technology (ACCT) is excited to join, for the second year, the Progama de Capacitación Aire Libre (PCAL) event at Buena Vista del Rincón in beautiful Costa Rica. This week-long event is designed for those looking to expand their knowledge and skills in the challenge course industry, with a focus on Inspections, Training, and Operations. And it will all be in Spanish!
More Details Here
ASTM International (ASTM), formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials, is a developer of voluntary consensus standards for a broad range of industries such as metals, construction, petroleum, and other consumer products. ASTM has over 12,000 standards, and some of them are related to our industry. ASTM Committee F24 on Amusement Rides and Devices was established in 1978, and the F2959 Special Requirements for Aerial Adventure Courses was first published in 2012. The process for the development of ASTM standards is based on having task groups dedicated to each standard, with proposed standards and changes regularly balloted and voted upon by the entire membership of those committees.

We want to give our community a heads up that ASTM F24 has released a ballot including proposed changes to F2959 (Aerial Adventure) content, and a ballot for a proposed new standard: Adventure Challenge Attractions, Elements, and Devices. If you are a voting member of ASTM, we encourage you to read these and vote by the deadline of August 26, 2024.

We invite you to join us for our August Open Office Hours (date and time TBD), where we will be joined by special guest Brian Lenihan, the Chair of ASTM F2959. It will be an opportunity to talk about ASTM, how their standards may impact you or your organization, and what the upcoming ballot is about. We hope you will join us.
Join Us in Cleveland and Save:
Two Opportunities to Attend Our Annual Conference!
We're excited to share two fantastic opportunities to join us in Cleveland for our annual conference and save on registration fees. We're putting the finishing touches on the attendee registration portal and plan to launch it very soon—so keep an eye out for that announcement, which is just days away!
Scholarship and Service Crew Opportunities
An excellent & timely article by our current Board Chair, Korey Hampton, over at the Challenge Towers blog about "Five Ways to Make the Most of Your Off-Season." To quote the article:
"Trust us, your ‘future self’ will thank you."
Interested in Standards Development, but confused about the categories that make up the ACCT Consensus Body? It's all about having a balanced representation of the industry and materially interested parties to do the work. Read a brief explanation of the categories to help you understand if you might be a good fit.
Upcoming Board of Directors Meetings
request to join and see the whole schedule from the website
  • Aug 21
  • Sept 30-Oct 3 (in-person, times not finalized)
Advertiser Content:
Atomik Climbing Holds - Any hold, 44 colors, your order will ship in one to five business days.