Annual Membership Dues Increase

ACCT Updates,

We will be implementing a ~11% increase in our annual membership dues effective July 15, 2024. This increase affects all membership categories across the board.

When was the last time membership dues were increased?
Our current annual membership dues structure has been in effect for nearly five years as the last price adjustment was made in July, 2019.

The increase will directly support the additional membership benefits currently underway or soon to be launched:

  • Efforts to develop new legislative monitoring and response strategies. 

  • The ongoing maintenance of the ANSI/ACCT standard.

  • Through our ANSI accreditation, we are collaborating with two ISO technical committees to develop industry-relevant standards to better support our industry globally.

  • The launch of ACCT Academy, an educational and professional development platform for webinars, white papers, technical notices, research, and business resources.

  • Substantial improvements to vendor accreditation, and ongoing growth of operation accreditation.

  • Increased support to our volunteer groups, who are vital in helping to maintain and improve current programs and services.

  • Enhanced communication about the impactful work of these groups, keeping you informed and engaged. 

  • Development of a multi-year strategic plan for the association.

  • Supporting growth, networking, and professional development opportunities with the hiring of a full-time Outreach & Engagement Coordinator. Growing our community will allow us to provide even more benefits, services, and influence as the leading voice and advocate for the industry. 

Your membership is critical in keeping the association financially sustainable, strong, relevant, and influential. ACCT is YOUR professional trade association for the challenge course industry. 

Thank you for being a member!