The office of Washington State Governor Jay Inslee published new resident camp opening requirements which can be read here. While there is not much left of the summer season in Washington, this clarity will be useful. Continue Reading
Regulatory Updates
Regulation and updates from Authorities Having Jurisdiction
The Association of British Climbing Walls has made a preliminary announcement of the effect of climbing chalk on the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The preliminary results are promising. They showed a significant reduction in the infectious virus on a plastic surface dusted with chalk. The complete report is... Continue Reading
As we reopen, communicating how we are protecting staff and participants is essential to creating the trust needed for people to return to our parks. Trampo Extreme has created a nice video introduction to cleaning and being in the trampoline park. Enjoy this great example of how to share the... Continue Reading
In this new and challenging time, the question of when and how to notify staff that they could have been exposed to COVID-19 is a question employers are encouraged to ask. California AB685 would simplify this question. AB 685 is bill making its way through the California Legislature requiring... Continue Reading
The possibility of loss of wages from sick time required because of COVID-19 exposure is a significant concern to many employees. The requirement to pay sick time for workers is a significant concern for employers. Two bills working their way through the Massachusetts Legislature would address... Continue Reading
I am writing to you about a serious regulatory challenge to the operation of challenge courses and zip lines in California. Senate Bill 217. Primarily designed to create regulation and permitting for camps serving children of all ages, SB 217 also describes requirements for operating traditional... Continue Reading
The Colorado Division of Oil and Public Safety which is responsible for commercial amusement device permits has issued its Second Quarter 2020 Bulletin. The bulletin outlines key information about operating commercial zip lines and adventure parks in Colorado. This includes a statement describing... Continue Reading
As scientist learn more about the behavior of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the guidelines for the interactions of people in different situations is adjusted. Recently, the CDC updated “Suggestions for Youth and Summer Camps.” In the document, the CDC has principles about adjusting youth... Continue Reading
On June 5th the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment published the 6th Amended Public Health Order. The document has a number of items concerning outdoor recreations, ziplines, challenge courses, and aerial adventure operations as well as day and resident camp. Section I.H.3.g... Continue Reading
Recently the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published updated guidelines on Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Facility. This document has one significant items for outdoor programs in a section titled “Cleaning and disinfecting outdoor areas.” The section describes... Continue Reading
The first question of reopening is, “Is it Legal?” This is not a simple question to answer. First it must be legal at the state or province level, then the county level and then in some places at the city level. In most cases, the final determination of how and when you can reopen will... Continue Reading
The Rhode Island Department of Health has published an emergency rule for businesses which will be in effect until at least September 5, 2020. The rules address how businesses will maintain social distancing, face coverings, and training staff as well as other areas. A specific section addresses... Continue Reading