VENDED TRAINING Introduction The presence of SARS-CoV2 changes a lot of the assumptions PVMs and other trainers have made about training as a vended service. This list of questions and paragraphs of explanation and recommendation strives to help vendors and trainers put a new set of practices in... Continue Reading
Regulatory Updates
Regulation and updates from Authorities Having Jurisdiction
As states begin to open for business, it is important that vendors are up to date with the regulations for the areas they are working. The Journal of Light Construction provides a good resource for starting to determining if your work is legal.... Continue Reading
Sorting out the tangled web of questions that must be answered to reopen. What will this “new normal” look like? No one really knows. But we do know some important information about reopening your park or course. As you prepare to reopen there are questions you need to answer that... Continue Reading
Getting your course and equipment ready for what you really do not want to do. At some point you may determine that you will not be allowed to reopen or that you can not reopen this year because of the financial constraints of your operation. It will be time to mothball your site so it can be... Continue Reading
This information is updated regularly. Please double check the information here and the with the manufacturers guidelines and DOCUMENT your practices. (last updated April 27, 2020) NOTE: Cleaning Life Safety Equipment has always been a challenging subject. A lot of information swirls around... Continue Reading
As we look to reopen, one of the key questions is how do we keep staff safe and what are the rules? For US based business, OSHA has the following information. OSHA3990 Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19 Center for Disease Control and... Continue Reading
A very important and central part of CARES act is the Paycheck Protection Program which creates loans for small business and the possibility of loan forgiveness. The loans are for keeping business operating during this time. Forgiveness for the loans is possible if the funds are used for payroll... Continue Reading
The effort by the Federal Government to assure the continuity of paychecks for those working in small business is a significant part of the CARES act pass by the House of Representatives and signed on March 27, 2020. The CARES act creates the possibility of Small Business having employee salaries... Continue Reading
The US Chamber of Commerce has produced some solid resources for business trying to plot a path through the current economic challenges. They have produced a checklist for CARES act Small Business Administration Loans. Please review this and any other CARES act related information with your... Continue Reading
If you are considering an SBA loan to take advantage of the CARES act, please take a look at the US Senate Committee on Small Business & Entrepreneurship’s “Guide to the CARES act.” The detailed document has links to information you need and local contacts where you can get... Continue Reading
Yesterday President Trump signed the CARES act into law. The law has significant provisions designed to support businesses. Please refer to the March 26, 2020 post for a summary. We at ACCT know this is a very difficult time for our operators who are either closed or without participants, for... Continue Reading
The COVID-19 outbreak has tossed most of what was expected for 2020 into the trash heap. The US Congress is working on a package to help business and individuals cope with the disruptions. The staff at the Small Association Leadership Alliance (SALA) have summarized the massive bill so that you... Continue Reading