Remembering Bobby Tod

Posted By: Brenda Reed ACCT Updates,

We would like to take a moment to recognize the passing of a core member of the original force behind the ACCT standards efforts. Bobby P. Tod has “jumped off the pamper pole permanently”, according to Cindi Walker while also recognizing he had the purest heart, amazing sense of humor, and brought an engineering perspective to the challenge course industry to help others think critically about established practices. 

Bobby is the founder of Rope Works Inc., an original voting member of the ACCT. Bobby was part of the first work group for the development of installation standards. At that time it was called Construction Guidelines. He was known for presenting at conferences on Ropes Course Force Analysis, he created a longstanding conference workshop titled “Builder’s Toolbox” that became an ACCT newsletter contribution for the Parallel Lines. Bobby served on the ACCT Board of Directors and contributed countless years to the development of the now called Design, Performance, and Inspection Standards for the ACCT.  

If you had the opportunity to work alongside Bobby or have a tableside conversation with him, you will remember him as a kind, supportive, inclusive individual full of creative ideas. Bobby loved folk music. He would spend just as much time on a job listening to music as he did on the installation. Music moved through his soul, and as he planned for retirement, travel and music were key elements all while keeping a meter on what was happening in the industry. Jen Stanchfield of Experiential Tools recalls how Bobby mentored and encouraged many practitioners including herself in his non-intimidating, open, egalitarian, and incredibly knowledgeable way. She says “his warm humor always made people smile and added a sense of inclusiveness and camaraderie to the ACCT community”. 

We will miss Bobby around the Rope Works Headquarters. If you happen to have a Rope Works hat or shirt, his hand is forever on your head or heart. Two hands (one of them Bobby’s) and a rope were the creativity behind his logo. He would often point out every so often his Goldline Rope coiled in the shop reminding us of the good ol’e days when all you needed was a rope and carabiner. We can only hope to continue to lead with positivity, grace, humor, and community building to honor Bobby Tod and his legacy at Rope Works.  Lots of love to his surviving family and friends. They will continue to share the many stories we loved about Bobby. 

Thanks Bobby for bringing me into the Rope Works family and looking out for me the past two and a half decades! I will make sure and keep Josh Tod in line for you. 

Brenda S. Reed
Director of Training and Other Important Stuff
Rope Works Inc.