The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) they will will host two live virtual Q&A sessions to answer questions that people may have about ATCP 78 that makes changes related to both HIGH and LOW element rope/challenge courses located at recreational and... Continue Reading
Technical Bulletins
Technical Bulletins
This notice has been followed up by another notice that includes a Stop Use Notice From ISC (PDF): We have received feedback from users who have discovered scenarios where the unlock button can be unintentionally depressed and the device inadvertently opened during use. With this initial... Continue Reading
Similar notices from Rock Exotica and CMC about swivel pulley products were released with varying levels of Stop Use, Recall, and Inspection required. Please read the details in the linked pages to evaluate the devices you may have in use. From CMC: PRODUCT RECALL AND SAFETY NOTICE:... Continue Reading
From DMM and Original PDF: Important Safety Notice: Product Recall DMM Compact Swivel Units PRODUCT RECALL / HAZARD NOTICE 2nd November 2022We have been made aware of a near-miss incident involving the failure of a DMM Director connector (A647BS) that parted at the swivel assembly.... Continue Reading
Original PDF PRODUCT SAFETY NOTICE November 22, 2022ATOM ™ CHEST HARNESSPart# 202363 CMC has become aware of a manufacturing issue in the ATOM Chest Harness (CMC Part #202363) during regularly scheduled quality testing. There have been no inquiries or incidentsreported by users in the... Continue Reading
DMM Compact Swivel Units PRODUCT RECALL / HAZARD NOTICE We have been made aware of a near-miss incident involving the failure of a DMM Director connector (A647BS) that parted at the swivel assembly. The user was unhurt. Our investigation has identified a product fault that, under certain... Continue Reading
Author: ACCT Technical Information, Research, and Education (TIRE) Committee Disclaimer: The Association for Challenge Course Technology (ACCT) seeks to advance the industry and enable members’ ongoing success. This document is a work product of the Technical Information, Research, and... Continue Reading
From Petzl: PRODUCT RECALL: TRAC CLUB TROLLEY Recall of TRAC CLUB trolleys (P023AB00 and P023AB01) due to a risk of breakage that could cause a fatal fall. Immediately stop using the trolleys affected by this recall. MARCH 22 2022 Photo: TRAC CLUB We are recalling the TRAC CLUB... Continue Reading
From Petzl: SCORPIO EASHOOK LANYARD RECALL Recall of SCORPIO EASHOOK (L060BA00) lanyards, sold individually or as part of the KIT VIA FERRATA EASHOOK (K029DA00 and K029DA01), due to risk of carabiner gate malfunction. Immediately stop using the products affected by this recall. NOVEMBER 15... Continue Reading
ACCT StatementHubbell Advisory GuidanceApril 19 2021 On April 8th 2021, The Association for Challenge Course Technology (ACCT) forwarded an advisory to its membership from Hubbell Power Systems (Hubbell) which updated and expanded an earlier statement from Hubbell previously forwarded on April... Continue Reading
On April 1st, 2021, the Association for Challenge Course Technology (ACCT) distributed a manufacturer advisory regarding use within the challenge course industry of various types of deadends manufactured by Hubbell Power Systems and their affiliated brands (collectively referred to herein as... Continue Reading
Original JPG PEGUET - Maillon Rapide SAFETY WARNING Peguet le fabricant des fameux Maillons Rapides tient à votre sécurité Nous ne manquerens pas de le vous informer de l'évolution de cette enquête. Votre sécurité est notre... Continue Reading